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8 Types of Wildflowers to Plant in Your Garden

These low-maintenance wildflowers may be used to create a vibrant, pollinator-friendly landscape.

Wildflowers are powerful symbols of resiliency and optimism. They are a common topic in rock, folk, and country music, and they have long been associated with the concept of perseverance and development in the face of adversity.

Types of Wildflowers to Plant in Your Garden

However, just what are they? Simp

Black-Eyed Susan

Among wildflowers, black-eyed Susans are among the easiest to identify. The dark brown centres serve as the “black eyes” that give the plant its name, while the vivid yellow flower heads are evocative of daisies. Black-eyed Susans may reach a height of three feet and usually bloom from early summer to October.

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Are you trying to get some monarch butterflies to land in your yard? Then you need to sow milkweed right away. The caterpillar of the monarch butterfly only has one host plant, milkweed, which gives the larvae the vital nutrition and cover they need to mature into butterflies. In addition, they have lovely clusters of dainty, light pink blooms.


Since black-eyed Susans and these pinkish-purple blooms resemble daisies, you’ve probably seen them planted together. Coneflowers bloom all year long and are quite simple to cultivate, so you may have a vibrant splash of colour in your yard all summer long.


The leaves of yarrow resemble feathery ferns and are capped with flat clusters of little white flowers. The foliage extends outward and may serve as a ground cover, while the flower stalks can grow up to three feet tall. There is plenty of time to admire the eye-catching clusters of blooms as they bloom from April through October.


The attractive plant foxglove has towering spikes that hold bell-shaped flowers in vertical rows. Notwithstanding its beauty, the plant is also very dangerous and deadly to people or dogs if ingested. Thus, use caution while adding this lovely plant to your yard.


Phlox is an excellent option if you’re seeking for wildflowers that can also be used as ground cover. These low-growing plants provide blankets of tiny blooms that rapidly add colour and fill in any garden’s voids with vibrant bursts of colour.

Wild Columbine

One of the plants that seems as if it originated on another planet is wild columbine, yet it is endemic to North America. With vivid yellow stamens and upward-pointing crimson spurs, the blossoms dangle like lanterns. The plant is a hardy perennial, despite the fragile appearance of the drooping blossoms.

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Evening Primrose

If you Google “evening primrose,” you could get more results for dietary supplements than for the genuine flower. This is due to the fact that an oil derived from the plant’s seeds is often used to treat eczema and PMS symptoms alike. The plant, so named because of its brilliant yellow, citrus-scented blooms that emerge in the late afternoon or evening, may also work wonders for your garden’s lack of colour.

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